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Director, Producer, Researcher

Jason Soo


Jason Soo is an artist and recipient of the Jacques Derrida Exhibition and Prize (Melbourne, 1999). As filmmaker, his first narrative work (A Short Film on The May 13 Generation) is based on historical events in 1954 Singapore, when 800 students took over Chinese High School in order to support classmates affected by military conscription. His next work (1987: Untracing the Conspiracy) examines the arrest, torture, and interrogation of 22 alleged Marxist conspirators by Singapore’s secret police. The documentary was awarded Best Southeast Asian Feature at Freedom Film Festival (Malaysia, 2015) and an expanded version of the film is currently in production. 




Director’s Prior Work

A Short Film on the May 13 Generation (19 minutes)

Director, Producer, Screenwriter, 2014


This short film was commissioned to commemorate the 60th anniversary of May 13, 1954, in which a peaceful assembly of more than one thousand boys and girls in Singapore was brutally broken up by riot police. The students had gathered to seek exemption for classmates affected by a new conscription law. To continue their protest, 800 students proceed to occupy Chinese High School. The film depicts a possible day in the occupation.



*Update 20 Sept 2015:

The short 54 minute version of the film has been awarded the Best Southeast Asian Feature at Freedom Film Festival. A Big Thank You to all friends and supporters who helped make this possible.


How you can help


We are currently raising funds to complete a full-length feature documentary. Please refer to our Budget.         . 


To help in the funding, please send your contributions to the following account which has been set up for this film:


Account Name: Jason Soo Teck Chong

Bank Name: Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited Singapore

Bank Account no.: 646-061-283-001

Bank Swift code: OCBCSGSG

Bank Code no.: 7339

Bank Address: 65 Chulia Street, #01-00 OCBC Centre, Singapore 049513


Alternatively, you can contribute via my Paypal account, which is


Note: Paypal charges a service fee of around 4.5%, so the OCBC account is preferred.


If possible, put a unique word or phrase in the message field when you donate. This will make it easier to identify your contributions on the Funding page. This page will be updated at least once a week.


Thank you all for your support.


At the completion of the film, a full budget report will be made available to all funders upon request.


This film is also supported by:






Jason Soo

Producer / Director

+65 9235 6065

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